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10 Reasons You Should Travel Alone In Your 20s and 30s

Dr Noreen Nguru

Updated: Jan 5, 2023

Being in our 20s and 30s, the world appears to be full of opportunities that we can discover, so spending it partying and drinking is a rather juvenile way of enjoying this period of endless possibilities. In my opinion, travelling solo when you are at this prime age is a far better and more rewarding activity to invest in.

So why should you travel alone in your 20s and 30s?

These are the reasons why:

There's no time like the present

Many consider their 20s and 30s to be the prime time of their lives. And with the energy and enthusiasm that we still have during that age, that's no surprise. So before the seriousness of adult life gets you, your 20s and 30s are your chance to explore and travel unencumbered. You are already independent by this age. You (probably) have a job, so you are earning, and you are (probably) not too burdened with responsibilities. You're still flexible enough to travel at your own pace. So take this time to get out and experience the world.

You can afford it now

You might not be wealthy yet at this time, but you are already earning enough to afford travelling. Plus, you're more responsible with your money now than in your teen years. Moreover, travelling doesn't have to be expensive. Many solo travellers opt to go backpacking for a more grounded experience of exploring new places and immersing in new cultures. Moreover, you can find plenty of cheaper accommodations if you know where to look (or who to ask among the locals). Or, if you can afford a bit more, then booking your accommodations and your itinerary is also a good choice.

Master your social skills

Even if you travel solo, you will never be truly alone. Going to new places means being around new people. And solo travelling pushes you to meet new people. Also, you are more likely to speak to locals and strike up conversations with them because you do not have a travel companion. This will also help you polish your conversational and other social skills as you engage with different people every time. And if you're conversing with someone who speaks another language, this is also an excellent opportunity to learn a whole new language.

Gain independence

During your 20s, you're not expected to have too many responsibilities yet, so you'll have plenty of time to do things you want and be independent. And travelling solo will make you appreciate your independence. You're unhindered, which makes it the perfect time for you to pack your bags and see the world. Plus, as a solo traveller, there is no need to compromise. You can do what you want and go where you want to go. You don't get dragged to places that do not interest you, which usually happens with family or group trips. You will learn to stand on your own feet and fend for yourself.

Get out of your comfort zone

Travelling to new places leads to discovering new experiences. And if you're solo travelling to a foreign country, for instance, immersing in their culture means you also get to see and do things you never thought you would. Be it something extreme like jumping off a steep cliff to free-dive or as simple as trying out new foods or mingling with locals in a small village. These experiences will allow you to discover yourself and open your mind to experiences and lives outside your own. It can also challenge you to see things from a different point of view.

Learn from mistakes and be a better problem solver

At this age, making mistakes is natural. Encouraged by some even, because how else can you learn if not from your own mistakes, right? Not a lot of us are experienced travellers yet in our 20s and 30s, so making mistakes along the way is expected. But eventually, of course, this means that we pick up important lessons that will help us in the long run and turn us into better planners.

Learn to budget

And speaking of becoming better planners, this is more evident when budgeting your money during your travels. Back home, budgeting seems impossible to manage as we wait for our paychecks and try to fit our last pay into getting us through another week. But on the road? You have no choice but to make what you have work. So you will know that you'll need to budget more wisely to tick off more bucket list destinations for your next solo travel.

Have stories to tell

Nothing wrong with spending time with the same people. But you will likely talk about the same things with them all the time. And that can get boring. However, your experiences during your solo travel will spark lively conversations among your group. For example, you can share stories about your backpacking travels or that embarrassing moment you had on the plane or the train on the way to a new city. You will also have stories to tell about how other people live their lives in their part of the world. Stories that you can tell not only to your friends but also to your future children.

Grow in confidence

Travelling alone is not easy. You will have to be responsible for everything that you do. And you will feel the consequences of your mistakes right away. However, that also means that overcoming these challenges is much more fulfilling because you did so with your own ingenuity and effort. And challenges on the road are aplenty. So the more that you encounter and overcome, the more you grow and learn. And eventually, you gain more confidence, and you are more prepared to face anything.

Take a voyage of self-discovery

One of the biggest things you can get out of travelling alone in your 20s and 30s is getting to know yourself better. It's the best time to figure out your strengths and weaknesses. You will also get to see what you like and don't like. You get to learn new things and possibly even find a new passion or hobby to indulge yourself in. You learn how to make decisions independently, stretch your boundaries, and take on new challenges with confidence. You will be less afraid of making mistakes because that's how you learn anyway.

Travelling alone in your 20s and 30s is more than just doing it because you can do so. Solo travel is about learning about yourself and growing through the experiences and lessons you pick while on your journey. And there's no better time than now to pick up all that new knowledge about yourself and the world.

Do you feel inspired to embark on your solo journey? That's great! But before anything else, preparation is key to ensure your safety and enjoyment while travelling. But don't worry, you don't have to make plans alone.

Our specialist travel consultants here at What The Doctor Recommends are here to help travellers like you prepare and plan everything to ensure that you get the most out of your solo travels.


Are you ready to take on the world solo?

Schedule a chat with a specialist at What The Doctor Recommends today!


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